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Desk arrangement:

The desks are in fact circular worktables. The intent behind the circular shape is to facilitate conversation and collaboration between students as all students at the table can face each other.


Teacher’s desk/computer:

The teacher’s desk is located at the side of the class. The teacher does not lecture from the desk. Students are free to use the computer for internet searches.


Remaining room items:

The layout provides a space where students can go and sit after they finish their work or if they need some time away from the class for whatever reason. This space also allows for students to choose from many books and some games to occupy themselves/learn on their own terms. The space provides for a lot of storage for art materials and donation of materials. It also allows for lots of project storage (student storage). Movable work tables allow the layout to be modified based on the project the class is working on.

  • Students are quiet and in their seat within 5 minutes after the bell rings.

  • During presentations students are in their seats & listening. When we are working on a project, students are free to move around the classroom.

  • During presentations, students raise their hand before speaking.

  • Students let me know when they use the washroom. No more than two students at a time can go to the washroom.

  • If students finish their work early they can have a look at the inspiration corner, pick a book and read or play a game.

  • After each lecture/project, we discuss our experience.

  • Time warnings are given at 15/10/5 minutes of the end of an activity to help students manage their time.

  • Everyone must help with clean-up.

  • Every worktable should be clean when the bell rings.

  • Rules are communicated clearly & firmly at the beginning of the year and continue to be enforced consistently and fairly.If I find myself repeating the rules too often, I have to look at how I am enforcing them: I know what my students are hearing, but what are they seeing?

  • When it comes to focus and small class disruptions, circulating and making non-verbal contact is the first step. If a behaviour persists, talking to a students about it one on one it another way to proceed in order to get a better understanding of where this behaviour might be coming from.

  • When talking to students about behaviour issues and discipline the notion of how this fits into the context of life (not just the classroom).

  • Communication with parents is essential as well to understand where some behaviours might be coming from.



Rules are meant to set the climate of the classroom. They ensure a good climate in the classroom and teach students civility and responsibility for one’s own actions.




  • Come prepared and on time for class.

  • Respect other people, their belongings, and the materials we use in class.

  • Follow Directions.


Procedures in the classroom are meant to allow for order in the classroom, and ensure an environment where students are ready to learn. Routine is used as a tool to optimize the student’s experience and ready them to have their focus available for learning during class time. After teaching the students the procedures and practicing during the first weeks of school, these routines become a natural and reinforcement is used only when necessary.


Developing a relationship with students and setting the stage for behaviour in the classroom by having   conversations about the expected behaviour and why the students is acting the way they are and what support they might need.



Creating, through openness and conversation, a relationship of trust with the student so they feel they can bring up problems or challenges to the instructor and trust that they will be heard and get support. Consistency in dealing with discipline is also of supreme importance in developing a relationship of trust where students trust that they will be treated fairly.

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