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  • A brief introduction to Postmodern art will provide context for this Unit.

  • A presentation on Appropriation Art will engage students in a discussion on the ethical considerations of this practice.

  • Students  will be asked to  research a work of art therefore demonstrating their understanding of the context within which it was created and the artist' intent in creating it.

  • They will then transform or “appropriate” this artwork developing their own intent and message.

  • The students conclude by writing an Artist Statement to describe their process and intent.




Through their research and reflection, students will have to formulate a unique point of view on their chosen artwork. Transforming the work to suit their own intent, and therefore expressing this unique point of view will motivate students intrinsically by making the project relevant to them.  


The process of researching an artwork and then developing their own intent for its transformation allows students to develop their awareness of the context of the works they appreciate as well as their understanding of how they draw inspiration from works in their own practice. 



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Lesson Overview

Here is an overview of the progression of this unit through the different lesson plans.

Questions of Inquiry

  • How has learning about my chosen work of art, the artist that made it, and the context within which it was made shaped my point of view on this work? 

  • What do I have to say about this work, who created it and the context within which it was created?

  • ​How can I express my point of view visually by making a version of it that is my own?

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Evaluation Overview

Here is an overview of the different steps and respective forms of evaluations along with the corresponding rubrics and other educational tools. 

Specific Objectives by Lesson Plan:

Visual Arts Competencies - Q.E.P.:​​​​​​​​​​​

Cross- Curricular Competencies - Q.E.P.:​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of Postmodernism by successfully taking a short quiz about the concepts introduced in the introductory lesson.


  • To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images,  personal productions and those of classmates:​


  • Key Feature: To examine a work of art, traditional artistic object or media images for sociocultural references : As part of the quiz students will identify different works of art with their corresponding movements within Postmodernism. 



  • To use information: Students will put the information learned in the video lesson to use identifying and elaborating on a Postmodern work of art.

  • By researching a chosen work of art, using art historical resources online or in print, students will be able to identify themes relevant to the work’s creator, content and context. These themes, along with other findings of interest will be written down in a research summary and proposal.


  • Using medium and techniques of their choice, students will create one or multiple sketches through which, using visual language, they will experiment with expressing their unique point of view on the work of art.



  • To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images,  personal productions and those of classmates:


  • Key Feature: To examine a work of art, traditional artistic object or media images for sociocultural references: The questions in the research and proposal lead the student to findings in their research that allow them to understand the intent of the artist that created their chosen artwork as well as the context within which it as created.



  • To exercise critical judgment: Students will form an opinion on a work of art and formulate their own intent for its transformation. 

  • Having arrived at a use of visual language that they are satisfied with through their sketches, students will create the final version of their work of art which should be congruent with said sketches and demonstrate attention to detail and craftsmanship: the final work should truly look finalized.

  • By writing an artist process statement using the guiding questions provided, students will put into words what they learned in the process of making their artwork.


  • To produce individual works in the visual arts


  • Key Feature: To use transforming gestures and elements of visual arts language: Students will use the elements and principles of art to transform an artwork that conveys their own intent/message. 


  • Key Feature: To share his/her creative experience​: Students will express and share their process and message through an artist statement, the formulation of which will allow them to crystallize their ideas and experience.


  • To use creativity: Through trial and error, students will work on expressing their intent with visual language and will work to produce a unique artwork. 

  • To use exercise critical judgment: Student will have to express and qualify their judgement through the peer evaluation and writing of their artist statement.

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